I don't think I've ever talked about it here on the blog, but I'm a huge Spider-Man guy. The character's been my favorite superhero since I was a kid. When Tom Holland took the mantle as the MCU Webhead, I was impressed with how seamlessly he could be both Spidey and Peter Parker.
When he announced BERO last year, I told myself I'd be on the lookout for it for this year's Dry January. I found a variety pack of the stuff at Target the other week, picked it up, and drank all but one. That's what we're doing today: BERO's Kingston Golden Pils.
12/31/24: Tales from the Cellar NYE Edition--Braxton Brewing Company's Dark Charge CInnamon Roll (2020)
9:27 AMDry January begins tomorrow, so this beer is my last hurrah for a month. Given that, I thought I'd break out something special. Yesterday, I ventured deep into my cellar to see what I could find. Now, let's explore this aged stout together.
I'm saying my goodbyes to 2024 with Braxton's Dark Charge Cinnamon Roll. This came as the second of three bottles in the Dark Charge Breakfast Box (I have the other two stashed away for who knows when). My bottle is number 49/1000. Grab yourself a beer and let's bid farewell to this year together and in style.
12/29/24: Tröegs Independent Brewing's The Mad Elf Grand Cru, a Late Christmas Post
7:44 PMIt's Christmas! Okay, it's after Christmas. My week didn't go quite as planned but that's fine. I spent more time with my family, which means I had more fun than I'd anticipated.
How was your Christmas? Did Santa bring you what you wanted? Or, was your stocking filled with coal and fish heads?
I'm here at home now after a whirlwind near-week away. My tree's lit and I'm bundled up and snuggled under a blanket. Today's beer marks the end of the holiday season for me. So, with a grateful prayer and a thankful heart let's to it: Tröegs' The Mad Elf Grand Cru.